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Whether you love Apple tree or hate it, at that place's no denying the company's formidable influence on product design. Over the concluding 39 years, a number of books have focused on various Apple products and the inspirations behind them, from the influence of 1960s hardware on the iPod, Mac Pro, and iMac, to Steve Jobs' influence over diverse aspects of the original Macintosh, as well as Apple's other products. Apple tree products fascinate people in a fashion that hardware from Dell or HP rarely does, even though this isn't ever fair to the designers at the other firms. At that place's a wealth of material for Apple tree to draw from, and the company's new $300 java table book, Designed by Apple in California,ought to exist a repository for anecdotes, explanations, and ideas.

Instead, information technology'due south basically "Google Image Search, Apple Hardware Edition."

Apple, as you might await, sees information technology rather differently. According to the company, this book chronicles twenty years of Apple production design "expressed through 450 photographs of by and current Apple products."

"The idea of genuinely trying to make something great for humanity was Steve'southward motivation from the beginning, and it remains both our ideal and our goal as Apple tree looks to the future," said Jony Ive, Apple's chief design officeholder. "This archive is intended to be a gentle gathering of many of the products the team has designed over the years. We hope it brings some understanding to how and why they exist, while serving as a resources for students of all design disciplines."

They say a picture show is worth a yard words, so here are some examples of what Ive is talking about:

No discussion, caption, description, or history. No trade-off analysis or cost comparison. No information on why the designers chose those materials, or deliberately echoed a previous product, or what particularly worked (or peculiarly didn't) for whatever slice of hardware. This is even more frustrating when you consider products like the G4 Cube, which is presented without explanation or consideration. If you aren't already familiar with the history of Apple, y'all're stuck with a picture of a weird-looking machine in a fat plastic housing. There'due south no explanation of what Jobs was trying to accomplish, what the Cube's strengths or weaknesses were, or why the system ultimately failed in the market place.

Images can convey vital information, but images alone don't tell the story of a product. A picture of an iPhone doesn't tell me anything almost what made the start iPhone revolutionary (its affect-first interface, capacitive touchscreen, and large display). Subsequent photos of iPhones in isolation, assuming the volume contains them, don't tell me annihilation about how the devices evolved or why. What lessons did Apple tree learn? Where did it succeed, where was information technology backside the bend?

Dorsum in 2022, a number of sites wrote stories about how the design of various Braun products in the 1960s influenced Apple's lead designer, Jony Ive. Compare the paradigm below with the shots above:

Braun vs iPod

Fifty-fifty this comparison of a classic iPod to the Braun T3 radio, released in 1958, tells a much better story than anything we see in Apple's $300 self-absorbed paean. Juxtaposing the two products shows how elements of one blueprint were incorporated into hardware built over 40 years later on. A simple caption "Braun'southward T3 radio, released in 1958, inspired the design of Apple tree'south iconic archetype iPod" would put the design in at least a little context. It'due south still complete fluff, only at least it's fluff with a starting signal for additional enquiry.

Despite Ive'southward claims and Apple's PR verbiage, this isn't actually a volume intended to teach anyone anything. If this kind of self-absorbed myopia is Apple's new modus operandi then it'south time for the visitor's competitors to showtime gearing upwardly in hostage. In the past few months, we've seen Apple dongle-ize its products, turn owning a 15-inch laptop into a $2,000+ luxury, continue to ignore its desktop hardware, strip features from its laptops that its professional person users relied upon, remove the most useful and ubiquitous product jack on the market, and call its foray into $160 plastic earrings "courageous." Now, the visitor thinks you should pay $200 (for the small version) to $300 for the privilege of press out some images and a few cents worth of glue and leather.